News and Announcements

Easter Sunday Worship Service - Sunday, March 31st

Please join us for Worship on Easter Sunday, March 31st at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 20:1 - 18

Sermon: Risen

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday Cantata - Thursday, March 28th

Join us for our Maundy Thursday Cantata - Candles of Grace

A Service for Tenebrae presented on Maundy Thursday by First Christian Church Chancel Choir

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Posted March 20, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, March 24th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, March 24th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 12:12 - 16

Sermon: The Grand Entrance

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 20, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, March 17th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, March 17th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 12:20 - 33

Sermon: To Glorify and Enjoy

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 15, 2024

2024 Week of Compassion Goal REACHED!

In just 3 Sundays, together we raised $22,609.48 for the 2024 Week of Compassion "Gifts to Live On!" This is awesome testament to the love and giving nature of the congregation of FCC Hagerstown!
Rev. Vy Nguyen was our Guest Minister on Sunday, March 3rd and we were able to present him with a check that exceed our 2024 $20,000.00 Goal!
The money raised for the WOC will make a difference in so many lives around the World.
Their Mission Statement is: As the relief, refugee, and development mission fund of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Week of Compassion works with partners to alleviate suffering throughout the world. ​
We want to thank everyone who donated to the 2024 WOC Campaign! Don't stop giving! You can continue to give to the WOC throughout the year!
Posted March 8, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, March 10th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, March 10th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 3:14 - 21

Sermon: Eyes Up

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 8, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, March 3, 2024

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, March 3rd at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Luke 21:1 - 4

Sermon: Gifts to Live On

Rev. Vy T. Nguyen, Guest Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 1, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, February 25th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, February 25th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Psalm 22:23 - 31

Sermon: To the Ends of the Earth

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted February 19, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, February 18th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, February 18th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Matthew 4:1 - 11

Sermon: Jesus in the Wilderness

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted February 13, 2024

Nomination Time

It is that time of the year for us to think about our 2024 Board and other Leadership Positions within the Church.

Forms are available in the Upper Tower Room at the Welcome Center, in the Narthex on the Namebadge Table, or contact Dianna in the Church Office, 301.733.0144.

Deadline for Nominations is Sunday, February 25th.


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Posted February 13, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, February 11th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, February 11th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: 1 Corinthian 13

Sermon: Love

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted February 8, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, February 4th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, February 4th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Luke 10:1 - 20

Sermon: State of the Church Sermon

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted February 1, 2024

Ash Wednesday Services

As we start the Lenten Journey, join us on Ash Wednesday, February 14th.

We will be having services at 12:00 Noon and 6:30 PM.

We will be offering lunch from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM in Fellowship Hall.

We will be offering dinner from 5:30 PM to 6:15 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Posted January 26, 2024

Pastor's Class

It’s Time for our Pastor’s Class 2024

Sunday Mornings beginning promptly at 9:00 AM in the Library.

The Class will be 45 minutes long each week.

Our curriculum is “Prepare the Way.”

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Posted January 26, 2024

Worship Service, Sunday, January 28th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, January 28th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Mark 9:2 - 9

Sermon: Who spoke to Moses & Elijah?

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted January 22, 2024

The Over The Hill Gang Event - Cancelled

The event for the Over The Hill Gang for today, January 19th has been cancelled due to weather.

Hope to see you in February.

Posted January 19, 2024

Worship Service, Sunday, January 21st

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, January 21st at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Mark 1:29 - 39

Sermon: Who healed all the sick?

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted January 17, 2024

Welcome Wednesday Excitement Programs - January 17th - Cancelled

Due to the weather, we have cancelled the Welcome Wednesday Excitement Programs for tonight, Wednesday, January 17th.

This includes: Children’s Chimes, Children’s Choir, WWE Dinner, Children’s Bible Study, Youth Group, Adult Bible Study, Brass Ensemble Rehearsal, and Choir Rehearsal

Hope to see you next Wednesday, January 24th.


Posted January 17, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, January 7th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, January 7th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Matthew 2:1 - 12

Sermon: The Adoration of the Magi

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted January 4, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, December 31st

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, December 31st at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Luke 2:22 - 40

Sermon: Dawing Of A New Age

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted December 23, 2023

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