Little Pantry

The Little Pantry has been in operation since Spring 2017.
Lisa Philp pitched the idea to the Adult Sunday School Class. The Adult Sunday School Class pitched it to the Board. Dale Philp obtained the necessary approval from the city. Donnie Richardson fortified and weather proofed a box that was in the Church’s possession. Charlie Sanbower installed the post that  the box was mounted on. The ABS SS class ensured that it was regularly stocked.
No advertising was necessary: “if you build it, they will come.” Most of our visitors come on foot or by bicycle. 
The community embraced the project and neighbors regularly contribute goods in addition to our church members who have been extremely generous with goods and financial contributions.
The original box was too small for the amount of use it was receiving and it gets very hot in the Summer, so Bradley Neisser took it upon himself to design and construct a bigger, insulated box. It was installed by the Neissers, with Charlie Sanbower, once again taking care of the post. This was well timed, as it was ready to go in the Spring of 2020 when many of our neighbors were struggling due to the pandemic.
In May 2021 Andrew Neisser designed and constructed a cabinet for the indoor storage and organization of goods. This replaced the stacked cardboard boxes and plastic bins in the Lower Tower Room.

Over the years, we have received notes and words of appreciation for the assistance that our Little Pantry provides. We have had very few negative incidents (hoarding, trash, etc.); most people really do just take what they need. Our regular visitors, especially the ones who live across the road, keep an eye on it and have reprimanded some that have taken more than their share or left trash.
Contributions are always appreciated: favorite items are peanut butter, canned meat and fish and instant mac and cheese. Anything that you keep in your kitchen pantry is appropriate. We also provide personal care items. Contributions can be placed directly in the Little Pantry or in the shopping cart in the Lower Tower Room. 
"God bless all who give and all who receive."
We look forward to seeing you!
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