News and Announcements

Congregational Lunch and Business Meeting

Where We’ve Been and Where We Need to Go You Can Actually See From Here...

Congregational Lunch and Business Meeting

Sunday, May 21st 11:20 AM Fellowship Hall

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Posted May 3, 2023

Worship - Sunday, May 7th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, May 7th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 14:1 - 14

Sermon: Memories

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted May 3, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, April 30th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, April 30th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Acts 12:1 - 19

Sermon: Delivereance

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted April 27, 2023

Installation Service of Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks

Join us on Sunday, April 23rd during our Worship Service at 10:00 AM for the Installation of Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks.

We will have a reception in Fellowship Hall following the service.

Posted April 19, 2023

Worship Service Sunday, April 23rd

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, April 23rd at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Psalm 116:1 - 4 and 12 - 19 and Luke 24:23 - 35

Sermon: A Joining of Spirits; A New Beginning

Rev. Dr. Robert W. Perry will be preaching.

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Posted April 19, 2023

Spaghetti Dinner

Our Youth will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner on Saturday, May 6th from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM in Fellowship Hall.

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Posted April 12, 2023

Arrangements for Roy Melvin Harnish

Roy Melvin Harnish passed away on Saturday, November 19, 2022.

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Posted April 12, 2023

Arrangements for Carolyn Diane Horst

Carolyn Diane Horst passed away on Sunday, March 5, 2023.

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Posted April 12, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, April 16th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, April 16th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Luke 24:13 - 35

Sermon: A Surprisingly Sensory Supper

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted April 12, 2023

Leadership Board Meeting - Monday, April 10th - Cancelled

The Leadership Board Meeting for Monday, April 10th, has been cancelled.

The next Leadership Board Meeting will be on Monday, May 8th at 7:00 PM in Fellowship Hall.

Posted April 7, 2023

Worship Service - Easter Sunday, April 9th

Please join us for Worship this Easter Sunday, April 9th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Matthew 28:1 - 10

Sermon: Sudden Hope

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted April 7, 2023

Worship Service - Palm Sunday, April 2nd

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, April 2nd 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Matthew 21:1 - 11

Sermon: Who is this?

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted March 28, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, March 26th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, March 26th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 11:1 - 16 and 38 - 44
Sermon: To Unbind

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted March 23, 2023

Palm Saturday Fun Day

Join us on Saturday, April 1st for games, prizes, crafts, and a Pancake and Egg Breakfast.

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Posted March 15, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, March 19th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, March 19th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 9:1 - 12
Sermon: A Muddy Moment

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted March 15, 2023

A Journey to Hope - A Maundy Thursday Cantata

Join us on Thursday, April 6th at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary for "A Journey to Hope" A cantata inspired by Spirituals, by Josephy M. Martin.

All are welcomed.

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Posted March 14, 2023

Worship - Sunday, March 12th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, March 12th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 4:5 - 42
Sermon: Living Water

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.

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Posted March 6, 2023

Welcome Celebration

Join us on Sunday, March 5th at approximately 11:00 AM in Fellowship Hall to welcome Rev. Dr. James and Amy Brooks to FCC!

Light sandwiches, salads, fruits, and of course cake will be provided.

Posted March 2, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, March 5th

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, March 5th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Matthew 17:1 - 9
Sermon: Hopes and Dreams
Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks will be preaching.
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Posted March 2, 2023

Worship Service - Sunday, February 26, 2023

Please join us for Worship this Sunday, February 26th 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Genesis 2:15 - 17 and 3:1 - 7
Sermon: The Role of Obedience
Rev. Dr. David T. Britt will be preaching.
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Posted February 20, 2023

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