News and Announcements

Worship Service - Sunday, September 8th

Sunday, September 8th - Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Micah 6:6 - 8
Sermon: Welcome Home: The Call

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister will deliver the Sermon

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Posted September 5, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, September 1st

Sunday, September 1st - Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: James 1:17 - 27
Sermon: Labor of Love

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister will deliver the Sermon

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Posted August 30, 2024

Blessing of the Backpacks

Bring your backpack, diaper bag, or work bag, and join us for a Blessing on Sunday, August 25th at 10:00 AM.

Posted August 21, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, August 25th

Sunday, August 25th - Fourteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: 1 Kings 2:10 - 12 and 3:3 - 14
Sermon: Stop. Look. Listen!

Guest Minister, Rev. Kyle H. L. Powderly

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Posted August 21, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday, August 18th - Thirteenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: John 10:10 - 18
Sermon: Good Shepherd

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Posted August 16, 2024

FCC Community Celebration

Celebrate Summer with us on Saturday, August 17th!

4:00 PM to 8:00 PM

All are welcome! Open to the Public!

Don't forget your lawn chair!


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Posted August 8, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday, August 11th - Twelfth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Psalm 130
Sermon: Waiting On God

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Posted August 6, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship - Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday, August 4th - Eleventh Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: John 6:24 - 35
Sermon: Bread from Heaven

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Posted August 2, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship Service - July 28th

Sunday, July 28th - Tenth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 6:45 - 56
Sermon: On the Water

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Posted July 26, 2024

Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School Overview

We had over 33 Children in our Community that enjoyed our Camp Firelight Vacation Bible School!

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Posted July 22, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship Service - July 14th

Sunday, July 14th - Eighth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 6:14 - 29
Sermon: With and Without

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Posted July 9, 2024

Honoring Rev. Fred M. Harris

Join us on Sunday, July 7th as we honor Rev. Fred M. Harris as Minister Emeritus.

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Posted July 3, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship Service - July 7th

Sunday, July 7th - Seventh Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 6:1 - 13
Sermon: The Invulnerable Hometown Crowd

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Posted July 3, 2024

Sunday Morning Worship Service - June 30th

Sunday, June 30th - Sixth Sunday After Pentecost
Scripture: Mark 5:21 - 43
Sermon: Who touched me?

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Posted June 27, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, April 28th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, April 28th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

Sermon: Being a Cheerful Giver

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted April 22, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, April 21st

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, April 21st at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Luke 22:39 - 46

Sermon: Invitation to Prayer

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted April 20, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, April 14th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, April 14th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: Romans 10:14 - 17

Sermon: Time in the Word

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted April 12, 2024

Worship Service - Sunday, April 7th

Please join us for Worship on Sunday, April 7th at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 20:19 - 31

Sermon: Thomas Gets An Answer

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted April 5, 2024

Easter Sunday Worship Service - Sunday, March 31st

Please join us for Worship on Easter Sunday, March 31st at 10:00 AM.

Scripture: John 20:1 - 18

Sermon: Risen

Rev. Dr. James R. Brooks, Senior Minister, will be preaching.

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Posted March 28, 2024

Maundy Thursday Cantata - Thursday, March 28th

Join us for our Maundy Thursday Cantata - Candles of Grace

A Service for Tenebrae presented on Maundy Thursday by First Christian Church Chancel Choir

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Posted March 20, 2024

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