News and Announcements

Special Offering for Kentucky

Posted December 17, 2021
We will be having a special collection on Sunday, December 19th to support the Week of Compassion. Please write the check to First Christian Church and in the memo line "WOC - Kentucky" or you can donate directly through the Week of Compassion Website.
From the Week of Compassion Website:
An historic tornado outbreak caused damage in multiple states, with the greatest impact in Western Kentucky. Several Disciples congregations have been directly affected. Week of Compassion is coordinating with the Region, congregations, and ecumenical partners to provide relief.

​In a severe tornado outbreak Friday night, more than 30 tornadoes were reported across 6 states. With damage assessments underway, Week of Compassion is still receiving reports in the aftermath. So far we know that at least 70 lives were lost in Western Kentucky alone, and that number is expected to grow. Governor Andy Beshear has declared a state of emergency and deployed the National Guard to respond.

First Christian Church of Mayfield suffered significant damage. Many families connected with Disciples churches are among the thousands who sustained damage to their homes. Week of Compassion is in touch with leaders in Mayfield, Bowling Green, and other communities across the affected area. As needs emerge, we are prepared to provide assistance and support the responses of our congregations and partners, and will share more info as we receive it.

If you know of Disciples affected by these storms, or Disciples churches responding in their local community, please let us know. In the meantime, many are asking how to offer support. Remember that the best way to help immediately following a disaster is to "Stay, Pray, and Give."
Stay home (rather than trying to go help in person) so as to keep the roads clear for first responders and keep other amenities available for locals who have been displaced. There may be need for volunteers at a later date once communities have had a chance to assess needs and organize.

Pray for all whose lives have been affected irrevocably by this disaster; and pray for those who are working around the clock to respond to immediate needs, restore power, and care for survivors.

Give - Week of Compassion will work with local partners and church leaders to meet immediate needs and also support long-term recovery. Give online; text WoC to 41444; or mail a check to:

Week of Compassion
P.O. Box 1986
Indianapolis, IN 46206

Designate gifts for "U.S. Storms and Fires," and 100% of your donation will go to local responses.

Thank you for sharing your compassion with those who need it most following the storm.
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