News and Announcements

Vote Deadline - Thursday, January 14, 2021

Posted January 7, 2021
On Tuesday, December 8th the Leadership Board unanimously approved the nominee presented by the Search and Call Committee for Minister of Congregational and Community Care.
A copy of the bio for the candidate, Rev. Victoria Wick, is available by contacting Dianna in the Church Office, 301.733.0144.

The cut-off date to vote is Thursday, January 14th at 4:00 PM. Results to be announced via the Weekly Eblast on Friday, January 15th.

To vote you can complete ballot that was mailed on Thursday, December 17th, and either mail it to the Church or drop it by the Church Office, or vote via the special eblast that was emailed on Monday, December 21st.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Dianna in the Church Office, 301.733.0144 or via email,
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