News and Announcements

Update from Rev. Jake M. Caldwell

Posted March 24, 2020

Dear Friends,

I'm sure by now you have heard that Governor Larry Hogan has mandated the closure of all non-essential businesses in Maryland. The First Christian Church office will be closed beginning on Tuesday, March 24th. I wanted to make you aware of how this will impact some vital functions of the congregation until we are able to return to normal operations.

1. Phone calls to the church number will be routed to our Office Manager, Dianna Plotner's cell phone during business hours. You can reach staff directly by email or by using their cell phones listed in the church directory. Staff will have remote access to voicemail.

2. The church will continue to receive mail via USPS. You can mail your offering to the church. You can also complete a direct draft form available on the church website. Online giving should be available through our website within a few days.

3. We will continue to offer a full worship service every Sunday at 10:00 through the church website and Facebook, including Worship and Wonder. We are exploring other options to expand our worship offerings.

4. The staff and elders are establishing a system to check in on all of the families in our care during the Coronavirus pandemic. You should receive a contact from an elder or a staff member within the next two weeks. If you do not wish to be contacted, please contact Cindy Reeder to be removed from the contact list.

5. Our outreach ministries will continue with some modifications to comply with CDC guidelines, with Cindy Reeder continuing to serve as the primary point of contact.

6. Amanda Carriere, our Director of Youth and Children's Ministries, will be holding virtual Christian education programming for children and youth. She will be reaching out to parents with additional details.

If you have any questions for me, please do not hesitate to be in touch. We are making our way through uncharted waters. I do not know what the days and weeks and months ahead will hold. Yet, I am confident that God is always with us as we go. And I am confident that through it all, we will continue to be the church.


Rev. Jake M. Caldwell
Senior Minister

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