News and Announcements


Posted March 12, 2020

   First Christian Church of Hagerstown MD

March 12, 2020

On March 12, Governor Larry Hogan instituted several state-wide measures to curtail the spread of the Coronavirus, including a two-week closure of schools and a ban on gatherings of 250 people. In response, the leadership of First Christian Church has decided to cancel all church related activities and all non-church functions scheduled on church property, including worship, from Friday March 13th through Saturday March 28th. We will evaluate the potential to hold worship on Sunday March 29th as public officials continue to release additional details about the Coronavirus pandemic and issue further guidance.

For now, church staff will be available during normal office hours and will be working to provide weekly materials for families to worship from home. Hospital visitors will use personal discretion about whether it is safe for them to visit the hospital and will adhere to any additional guidance issued by Meritus Medical Center. If you need pastoral care, please contact a member of the staff through the usual channels. The staff and lay leadership of First Christian Church are committed to doing our best to keep the church informed of our response to this rapidly developing situation by email, website, and social media.

It will look a little different for us to be the church�the Body of Christ�during this uniquely challenging time, but the mission of the church continues. Let us continue to bless our neighbors with tangible expressions of God’s love. Let us be in prayer for the good of our community, our country, and the world. And let us be ever mindful that no matter what we may face in the days to come, we do not need to be afraid. I am reminded of one of the great hymns of our faith, which speaks to me in such a time as this:

  1. All my hope on God is founded, who does still my trust renew. Safe through change and chance God guides me, ever faithful, ever true. God unknown, God alone, seeks to claim my heart as home.
  2. Human pride and earthly glory, sword and crown betray our trust. Though with care and toil we build them, tower and temple fall to dust. But God’s power, hour by hour, is my temple and my tower.
  3. But in every time and season, out of love’s abundant store, God sustains the whole creation, fount of life forever more. We who share, earth and air, count on God’s unfailing care.

Peace to you, my friends. Be well. My prayers are with you and your family. And I look forward to the day when we gather once again in our beautiful sanctuary for worship.


Rev. Jake Caldwell

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