News and Announcements

Annual Church Picnic

Posted September 10, 2018

Save the DATE!

1:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Sunday, October 21st ~

Washington County Agricultural Educational Center

All Church Picnic

Sunday, October 21st

1:00 PM - 6:00 PM


We will eat at 1:30 PM

Rain or Shine


Washington County Agricultural Educational Center

7313 Sharpsburg Pike, Boonsboro, MD


Games for kids

Activities for all ages and fellowship!


We are providing fried chicken, macaroni & cheese and SWEET FROG Frozen Yogurt w/toppings

for dessert


Please bring a hot OR cold side dish

PLEASE do not bring Desserts. 


Please complete the form below and either put it in the Offering Plate or in Dianna’s Mailbox in the Church   Office by Sunday, October 14th.

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