News and Announcements

Drop and Shop

Posted November 21, 2017

9:30 AM - 12:30 PM on Saturday, December 2nd in Fellowship Hall

For you, it's a worry-free, kid-free shopping time. For them it's a morning filled with fun! Drop your children off and you can enjoy a kid-free morning to get some holiday shopping done, have a nice meal, or catch up with friends. Meanwhile, your children get to experience quality "kid time" in a safe, fun, and familiar environment with seasoned MOPs mothers who will lead them through games, music, and activities.

Cost of childcare is $12.00 for the first child, $10.00 for the second child and $8.00 for any additional children.

All proceeds benefit our Mothers of Preschoolers group.

**age restrictions 6m-10yr**

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