News and Announcements

SonHarvest Vacation Bible School - June 25 - June 29

Posted May 12, 2017

It's fair time again and the farm is buzzing with excitement! Through the examples of Jesus and his parable, children will grow a crop of love, sprout joy, plant peace, produce some patience, and pick a bushel of kindness, too! They'll learn that the best way to grow is to know Jesus as their Savior and to live as he wants them to live. 

Join us at our SonHarvest Country Fair Bible School which runs this year from Sunday, June 25th through Thursday, June 29th.

Join us for our Kick Off "County Fair" on Sunday, June 25th on the church lawn from 4:45 PM - 5:45 PM. We hope that you will join us!

No Registration Fee.

Join us at the church each night:

Registration will begin at 5:45 PM

Program starts at 6:00 PM

Ending around 8:00 PM

Bring your family, friends and neighbors to our Vacation Bible School where you will learn wonderful stories from the Bible, make some amazing crafts, learn some cave songs and have tons of fun during recreation.

Our themes and lessons each night are:

Grow LOVE: Jesus' Life Shows Love

Sprout JOY: Joyfully Found: One Sheep and a Coin

Plant PEACE: Don't Worry-Have Peace

Produce PATIENCE: A Father's Patience Pays Off

Pick KINDNESS: An Unlikely Hero-The Kind Samaritan


Let's do our best to have more than 100 VBS campers this year (ages 3 to those entering 5th grade)

If you would like to register your child(ren), grandchild, niece, nephew, neighborhood friends, please contact Dianna Snow in the Church Office, 301.733.0144 or click here to download a registration form.

If you are interested in volunteering with VBS this year, please contact Amanda Carriere at the Church 301.733.0144, or contact Karen Baer directly at 301.797.2169.

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