News and Announcements

Annual Church Picnic

Posted September 28, 2016

2:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Sunday, October 8th ~

Washington County Agricultural Educational Center

Fall will be in the air and the hot summer days will be past. 

We’ll eat around 5:00 PM.

The church will also provide paper products and drinks. You are asked to bring a hot or cold dish to share. The Membership Commission will be providing the dessert.


We’ve rented the entire multi-purpose building so rain or shine we’ll be protected and there will be plenty of room for games (children, youth, and adult) inside and/or out. The Rural Heritage Museum will be open from 2:00 - 4:00 PM and we’ve asked for a host to answer your questions. The Heritage Village will be opened . We will have an inflatable obstacle course for all ages. 

If you don’t want to do any of the things listed above, there will be other activities, as well, for all ages. Some of the activities will be making a scarecrow (please bring clothes to dress your scarecrow), bobbing for apples, sack races, egg toss, guessing games, etc.


If you’ve never been to the Ag Center, it is easy to find, nicely cared for, handicap accessible and a project of Maryland’s Open Space Program. LOTS of activities are held at this center and it’s just waiting for First Christian Church to explore it.


So mark your calendars and plan to sign your family up for this wonderful fall event (we need to know how much food to prepare). Look for a sign-up sheet in the weekly Announcer or call the Church Office, 301.733.0144) and speak to Dianna Snow, our Church Administrative Assistant.


We hope to see all of you at the picnic!!!

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