News and Announcements

Simple Worship Service Begins at 11:30 AM

Posted September 7, 2016

Join us for our new "Simple Worship Service" beginning at 11:30 AM on Sunday, September 11th.

Simple Worship

First Christian Church

Sunday 11:30am



All will be welcomed to worship, announcements will be shared, the congregation will be invited to greet one another by passing the peace (a handshake, a hug, or just a smile accompanied by the words “peace be with you”).



New additions to the prayer list will be announced and anyone in the congregation who would like to share a new concern may do so. The leader will invite the congregation into a time of contemplative prayer, accompanied by music. At the conclusion of this time, the congregation will be prompted to join in singing the Lord’s Prayer in unison.



Congregational singing and special music will be blocked together. The content will generally be consistent with the hymns and special music from 9:30 worship, though the format would allow for greater flexibility.



As Disciples of Christ, the celebration of the Lord’s Supper stands at the heart of our worship experience. The communion service will remain unchanged, with worshipers being invited to process forward and receive the elements by intinction. A moveable communion table will be placed below the chancel steps.



As is the current practice, the offering will be received in baskets near the communion table.



The message will be delivered from the floor below the chancel steps. This is to enhance the connection between the preacher and the congregation. If you sit close to the front, you will be able to see better.



Following the message, a closing prayer or benediction will be offered. A brief musical piece will be played as people prepare to depart and the minister moves to the back of the sanctuary to greet worshipers.




If you have any questions about these changes, please don’t hesitate to be in touch with Rev. Caldwell or a member of the Worship Commission.

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