News and Announcements

Fall Senior Retreat

Posted July 22, 2016

Fall Senior Conference Details

September 6th - September 9th

The Bible for Dummies

The answers to the questions you've always asked

Well Not exactly! We will look at the big story of the Bible. Usually you look at little pieces that tell little stories of faith. Even sermons are mostly focused on individual events, ideas, poems, or history. The sessions this year will attempt to help us understand how it all fits together. It will be an attempt to distill down, not dumb down but rather summarize and express the essence of the work of scholars that are often hard to understand. We will as Adam Hamilton says in his recent book try to “make sense of the Bible.” The evenings will have a short vesper’s service. Come join us. If you are too old to go to young adult conference this is your chance to come to camp.   

Session Leader: The Rev. Fred Harris (retired)

Worship Leader: The Rev. Dr. Robert Perry (retired)

All meals provided!!!

Free time all afternoon for the beach, shopping, relaxing. 

 Sessions in the new air-conditioned conference center

Tuesday afternoon through Friday morning.

No kids running around town since they are in school but everything still open.

Craft time option with Debby Harris in making Cards and Christmas tags in the afternoon.

Fun talent show. Bring your instrument or your stand-up comedy act or skit.

Ice Cream Sunday party.

Contact Dianna in the Church Office for a registration form, or visit the CCCA Website (

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