News and Announcements

Angel Breakfast

Posted November 7, 2014

Scheduled for Saturday, December 6, 2014 beginning at 8:30am in Fellowship Hall.

This program is designed for children ages 2 (by December 1, 2012) through 5 or currently attending Kindergarten.

What is the Angel Breakfast?

This is an opportunity for your pre-schooler to experience the "true" meaning of Christmas. Join us for a "kid friendly" breakfast of angel pancakes, egg casserole, juice, milk, donuts and fruit. Have your child's picture taken with the angels and hear the message as told to the shepherds over 2,000fdyears ago through our live drama including a little baby. Make advent crafts which will help your family count down the days to the BIG EVENT.

To a young child, sitting on Santa's lap is exciting, but we hope that "eating breakfast with the angels" will be even more of a treat. We know that you are busy, but we hope you will make time for this special "Christ-centered" fellowship.

There is limited seating:

We can accommodate 100 children (and one adult accompanying each child). If you would like for your child to attend, please make your reservations by calling 301.733.0144 or by E-mailing the following information to by Friday, November 22nd.

We need:
Child's name
Child's age (must be two as of December 1, 2012)
Adult's Name who will be accompanying the child
Adult's contact information (phone number and E-mail)

*Due to limited seating only the first 100 children to RSVP will be guaranteed a breakfast with the angels. E-Mailing the information does not guarantee your child a seat at the table. However, you will be contacted if our quota is filled.

Snow date is Sunday, December 7th from 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM in Fellowship Hall.

Listen to WCRH 90.5 for cancellation announcements

Contact Cindy Reeder, 301.733.0144, or via e-mail with any questions,

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