News and Announcements

All Church Study during Lent...

Posted February 5, 2013

All Church Study during Lent
“The Way: Walking in the Footsteps of Jesus”

Beginning Sunday, February 17th, we will begin a Lenten Journey both in worship and during the Sunday School hour. For six weeks, we will use materials developed by Adam Hamilton and learn about the heart of Jesus’ ministry.

Following refreshments, all adults are invited to gather in groups around tables in Fellowship Hall from 11:15 AM to 12:15 PM. The study will begin with everyone watching a short, DVD filmed on location in the Holy Land. Then we will stay at our tables and a facilitator will lead the discussion on the DVD just watched.

Daily devotionals that reinforce the study will be available at the Welcome Center. A good will offering of $2.00 - $3.00 is suggested. If you’re not interested in staying for the study, then a book can be purchased at the Welcome Center, as well. The cost is $12.00.

Topics to be discussed:

February 17th:
Baptism & Temptation - The Jordan River and the Wilderness

February 24th:
The Healing Ministry - Capernaum

March 3rd:
Proclaiming the Kingdom - The Mountains

March 10th:
Calming the Storm - The Sea of Galilee

March 17th:
Sinners, Outcasts and the Poor - Samaria

March 24th:
The Final Week - Jerusalem

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