News and Announcements

Church Picnic

Posted July 15, 2010

Join Us this Sunday for Fellowship, BINGO, Food, and games!

Sunday, September 12th join us for the Annual Church Picnic at KAUFFMAN COMMUNITY CENTER located on Route 11 North past Gibble’s.

The picnic itself will be from 12:45 PM - 4:30 PM. We will have games for all ages and BINGO! Anyone who would like to donate BINGO prizes, please contact Chris Stacey at 301.797.1620 or bring them to Church and place in the box marked PICNIC that is located in the Lower Tower Room outside Fellowship Hall.

Fried Chicken, iced tea, and lemonade will be supplied by the Membership Commission. Church Members are asked to bring a favorite dish to share.

Persons with the Last Names beginning with
A - G, please bring Desserts
H - N, please bring Casseroles
O - Z, please bring Salads and Fruit

Also, we would love to have some more hands to make the Picnic a fun day for all! If you would like to volunteer to help out, please contact Chris Stacey at 301.797.1620 or via E-Mail

The RSVP form for the Picnic will be distributed in the Bulletin / Announcer on Sunday, August 29th and Sunday, September 4th. You can also contact Dianna in the Church Office at 301.733.0144 or via E-Mail to RSVP.

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We look forward to seeing you!
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