News and Announcements

Search and Call Committee Update

Posted June 21, 2010

The Search and Call Committee has completed the initial phase of the Call Process.

On Tuesday, June 8th, the General Board approved the Senior Minister’s Job Description as developed by the Personnel and Call Committees.

 On June 9th, we transmitted to the Congregational Profile, the Senior Minister’s Job Description, and a descriptive article about our community to the Regional Office.

We are now ready to receive Profiles of Ministers who are interested in FCC based on our Congregational Profile. Our job is to carefully read and work through the information and try to select a few in whom we are interested. Then we will do background  and reference checks. From that we will develop a priority list and eventually our top candidate.

The Committee will continue to keep the Congregation informed as we move forward in the Call Process.

Keep our committee in your prayers.

 Search & Call Committee

Phil Adams, Sonya Barnes, Hal Brandenburg,

Karen Miller, Kathy Prytherch, Sam Reel

& Jeanna Vetter

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